We have just uploaded Anoice's new music video 'memories of you' directed by Tamás Kiss in Austria. This tune will be included in the forthcoming album 'into the shadows' which will be released on 14 February, 2015. Happy new year! |
Yuki Murata played the piano on the 20th anniversary animation film of 'Case Closed' broadcasted on TV on 26 December! Takahiro Kido also took charge of the recording/mixing engineer. Yuki Murataが、12月26日に日本テレビにて放送された「名探偵コナン」連載20周年記念作品にピアノで参加しました。レコーディング・ミキシングエンジニアはTakahiro Kidoが担当。 |
It has been 3 years since the latest album 'The Black Rain' from Anoice. We'll release the forth album 'into the shadows' on 14 February, 2015!! The trailer video is now available to watch on YouTube. |
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Our artists, calu (matryoshka, RiLF), Human Pyramids, Chris Redfearn (subzar), Sontag Shogun, Adam Gyenes (Oversleep Excuse, NewNormal), PLANK, selected the top 5 music this year on Peak Silence website! peak silence : http://www.peaksilence.com/category/best-5-music-of-2014 |
Anoice's first album 'Remming' released in 2006, is now available for 1 dollar on BandCamp!! Of course, you can pay over 1 dollar. All the profits will be allocated for Anoice's activity. Detail : https://riccolabel.bandcamp.com/album/remmings
What if the setting of the 'Amélie' movie had been Scotland or Ireland? Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric023_english.html
12月2日、ピアノを始めとした様々な楽器を1人で使いこなす、ロシアの若き作曲家Andrew Jasinski(アンドリュー・ヤシンスキ)による、初の全世界流通アルバム「Sea」リリース!その多彩な才能は、映画「アメリ」の音楽を担当した作曲家ヤン・ティルセンを彷彿とさせる。一部CDショップ、及びレーベルウェブストアにてCDをお買い上げの方には、ミュージックビデオを収録した限定DVDと、限定ポストカードをプレゼント!下記ページにて収録曲「Your Eyes」の無料ダウンロードも可能です。 詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric023_japanese.html |
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Space Flower | Breton Dance | Song of the Whale | Wind |
This roaring sound reaches the universe!! Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric022_english.html
12月2日、Explosions in the SkyやMONOのようなドラマティックなサウンド、MOGWAIやCaspianのようなヘヴィネス、Battlesやtoeのようなダイナミックなリズム、そして最大のオリジナリティーであるノスタルジックでエモーショナルなギターメロディーで、既にlast.fmでも7万人近いファンを獲得する大人気インストロックバンドEXXASENS(イッグザセンス)による、初のベストアルバム「2007-2014」をリリースします!下記ページにて収録曲「Rocket to the Sky」の無料ダウンロードも可能です。 詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric022_japanese.html |
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Rocket to the Sky | Sputnik | Satellites | Casiopea |
You can now watch the second music video 'snow rock' from Jet Plane's 'Loud to Sleep' album! Enjoy the cold and grandiose sound like a Russian killer winter. http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric021_english.html http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric021_japanese.html |
We uploaded a music video 'loud to sleep' included in 'Loud to Sleep' album which will be released on 7 October from Jet Plane, a Russian post-rock band! Please check the destructive band sound with the fantastic sound of a bagpipe. http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric021_english.html http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric021_japanese.html |
You can now watch Human Pyramids' special acoustic session 'Relapse' on a championship sheep shearing stage at ArcTanGent Festival! Detail:http://www.7bitarcade.com/article/14954/session-human-pyramids-arctangent-2014 |
For all fans of Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Mogwai, and Sonic Youth!! We'll release the second album 'Loud to Sleep' from Jet Plane, a Russian instrumental rock band who are able to clear the wasteland of post-rock music with a cold and bleak sound like a Russian killer winter, on 7 October. Don't miss the new masterpiece which features the fantastic sound of a bagpipe that is a musical contribution to the band’s originality, Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric021_english.html
10月7日、冷たく研ぎすまされたサウンドでポストロックの新たな可能性を切り開く、ロシアのインストゥルメンタルバンドJet Planeによる世界デビュー作となるアルバム「Loud to Sleep」がついにリリースされます!バンドのオリジナリティーを象徴する楽器、バグパイプ(!)の幻想的な音色をフィーチャーした名盤をお見逃しなく。 詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric021_japanese.html |
We uploaded Anoice's 3 duo performance videos by Yuki Murata and Utaka Fujiwara to YouTube. Check the beautiful and sometimes distractive piano and viola sound!! YouTube:drops / Glitch, Liange / finale |
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Yuki Murata took charge of music for a limited CD of 'The World is Still Beautiful', a Japanese comic published by Hakusensha! Enjoy the magnificent orchestra music performed by Anoice members, engineered by Takahiro Kido. |
Films provided their track 'I'm Sleeping under the Dead Tree' to 'MARCADO', a short animation film about child abuse directed by Giovanni Puppo Saravia in Peru. |
Yuki Murata took charge of music for a short film 'Growing a Community' of the Anthropological Studies Center at Sonoma State University in California: Pioneers of the Japanese American Floral Industry, is an oral history project focused on collecting and sharing the stories of Japanese American nursery families in the San Francisco Bay Area. Growing a Community:http://www.janurseries.com |
Have you ever heard the sound of blood boiling? Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric020_english.html
詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric020_japanese.html |
A new music video 'a white bird' included in Yuki Murata's 'Gift' album, is now up on YouTube! Please listen to her beautiful piano sound with a violin, a viola, and a flute. You can also download the mp3 on the following website. http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric019_japanese.html |
Takahiro Kido (Anoice, RiLF, films, etc.) took charge of music for the commemorative film for Dutra (Yokohama F・Marinos) who will retire from the game. Check the following website! |
We are happy to announce our new release! Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric019_english.html 詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric019_japanese.html |
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Takahiro Kido (Anoice, RiLF, films, etc.) took charge of music for a short film 'Ghost Dolls' directed by Tomoki Nishikata who belongs to Toei. This film got a prize in Kyoto Film Pitching in 2014. |
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From Wild Combination Recordings: Another lovely little EP featuring an artist from in Japan and one who resides in the somewhat more exotic location of the East Midlands. Wild Combination Recordings EP contains two tracks each from: Yuki Murata, who is part of some wonderful groups on the Ricco Label such as Anoice, Films and Rilf as well as an accomplished solo artist. Shelley Jane, who has been invited to play festivals such as Indietracks and Carefully Planned on the back of a handful of gigs and for whom WCR003 will be her first release. |
Anoice released a new EP recorded their studio performance!! The videos and the sounds are now available to download for free. You can also upload them to your websites such as YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Facebook, and etc. in order to share Anoice music with your friends. Please support us to let as many people as possible listen to the beautiful tracks. http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/anoice_video_english.html http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/anoice_video_japanese.html |
We've just uploaded 'jubokko' music video form Sontag Shogun's debut album 'Tale' released on 10 June. Check the oriental beauty of sound featuring Japanese song! |
Oversleep Excuse's new music video 'Oyu no Hana' from 'Slowly Better' album, is now up on YouTube! You can find the members playing different instruments from 'Slowly Better' video which we already uploaded before. |
Now, the music video 'The Musk Ox' which will be included in Sontag Shogun's debut album 'tale', is now up on YouTube. Please enjoy the beautiful music with the quiet world directed by Isabel Nao. You can also download this track for free on the following page! Free Download : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric018_english.html フリーダウンロード : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric018_japanese.html |
For all fans of the dark-side of Sigur Rós and Jóhann Jóhannsson! We'll release the US-based modern-classical music unit, Sontag Shogun's debut album 'tale' on 10 June, 2014!! Please don't miss the beautiful soundscape made by a lovely accoustic piano, electric sounds used for helping them express their grandeur world, and some vocals recorded as one of musical instruments for add the warmness to their music. You can get their 'LTFI' EP for free, if you buy the album on our web store! Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric018_english.html 詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric018_japanese.html |
From Russia with love. You can now watch a new live video recorded in Moscow on 27 April, from the Russia tour of Anoice, films, Takahiro Kido, and Yuki Murata. A massive thanks to you all who came to our shows!! It's a shame that Anoice was not able to play with the regular members, for some reasons. But, we've just started to consider for our next tours for China, US, and EU. |
You can now see a new shampoo CM of Sunstar which Takahiro Kido (Anoice, RiLF, films, etc.) took charge of music, on the following website. The short version is now available to watch on TV in Japan. |
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Anoice and cru, a modern-classical unit by Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata, took charge of some music for a documentary 'à l'écoute du silence' which will be broadcasted on French TV, Rennes et TéléNantes. |
You can watch the re-arranged version of Subzar's 'last night i thought a thousand plans, but today i go my old way' on YouTube. The original version is here. You can now download this tune for free on the following page. Free Download : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric016_english.html フリーダウンロード : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric016_japanese.html |
For all those who are going to go to a Russia tour of Anoice, Feelms a.k.a. films, Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata, and all music fans who have never listened to our music!! Please visit the events page to check the tour schedule. |
Human Pyramids' new music video 'Relapse' is now up on YouTube! Check the lovely video made with 5,000+ photographs, 3,000 multicoloured balls and 6 Sugar Cubes!! In addition, Paul Russell who is the composer of Human Pyramids, joined Ricco Label's custom-made music project! Custom-Made Music: http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/composing_english.html |
For all fans of Nordic styled postrock/electronica and steelpan!! Just uploaded Oversleep Excuse's first music video 'Slowly Better' included in their first album 'Slowly Better' which will be released on 15 April!! You can also download the mp3 for free on the following website! Free Download : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric017_english.html |
We uploaded Anoice's 'finale' performed at 'Hakai' that is an event planned by Yoko Shinto, the illustrator who took charge of the artwork for Anoice's 'The Black Rain' album, on 16 March. Anoice is going to play this song on their Russia tour in April. |
For all fans of The Album Leaf, Mice Parade, múm, Sigur Rós and Her Space Holiday!! A fresh newcomer that listeners of avant-pop, electronica, and post-rock music had be waiting for, will finally release their debut album on 15 April, 2014!! Don't miss the incredible debut album 'Slowly Better' from the Tokyo-based band 'Oversleep Excuse' featuring a steelpan and made up of American, British, and Japanese musicians. Once you listen to Oversleep Excuse's music, the sour‐sweet soundscape shall come into your heart!! Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric017_english.html |
Happy Valentine's Day! We uploaded a new song 'count4' of RiLF, the post-rock band formed by the members of Anoice and Calu, who is the vocalist of Matryoshka. You can download the mp3 (320kbps) for free from the following website until 14 March, 2014. This song will never be included in RiLF's albums, and never be sold on any digital stores. Free Download : http://firestorage.com/download/b8fc592e834cf17e824d84e0f87b6405048cc43f フリーダウンロード : http://firestorage.jp/download/b8fc592e834cf17e824d84e0f87b6405048cc43f |
You can NOW download Subzar 'last night i thought a thousand plans, but today i go my old way' tune in their first album 'subzar' which will be released on 4 February, for FREE! It would convey a tense atmosphere and a energetic sound to you. Free Download : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric016_english.html フリーダウンロード : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric016_japanese.html |
Happy Birthday!! We are so proud to announce our new release. The UK-based modern-classical music quartet, subzar's first album 'subzar' will be released on 4 February, 2014!! Please check beautiful soundscape like Sigur Rós and Ólafur Arnalds, tense performance like Steve Reich, and destructive sounds like Godspeed You! Black Emperor!! Now, 4 music videos are available to watch on the following discography page. Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric016_english.html
詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric016_japanese.html |