We uploaded a video featuring 20 tunes selected from Takahiro Kido's all works which he had released as his solo project from 2006 to 2016. Find your favorite tune. |
Yuki Murata (Anoice) took charge of music for a health guidance video produced by Chugai Pharmaceutical that is a subsidiary drug manufacturer controlled by Hoffmann–La Roche. This video will be shown at hospitals in Japan. |
The alternative rock band formed by Calu (the vocalist of matryoshka) and Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata (the members of Anoice), RiLF uploaded the first album 'Ferris Wheel' with full length on YouTube. Enjoy. YouTube : https://youtu.be/sPl-ci2WDV8 |
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Today, the documentary movie 'Tsukiji Wonderland' which Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of the soundtracks, got the runners-up in Cool Japan Matching Forum 2017 produced by Japanese Cabinet Office. Yuki Murata also joined as the co-composer, and we Anoice played/recorded all the instruments. 内閣府が主催する「クールジャパンマッチングフォーラム2017」にて、映画「築地ワンダーランド」が準グランプリに選ばれました。音楽をTakahiro Kido(Anoice)が担当しています。Yuki Murata(Anoice)も共同作曲で参加。演奏はAnoiceが担当。 |
Yuki Murata who is the member of Anoice created a piano tune for an advert film of a deodorant produced by Kao Japan. Enjoy the charming melody. Takahiro Kido also took charge of the engineering. |
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菓子店Lullalooがプロデュースするチャリティーコンピレーション「Lullacompi」にAnoice, Takahiro Kido, Yuki Murataが参加しました。収益は動物保護団体、一般社団法人ランコントレ・ミグノンと保護犬猫情報発信センター ラフスペースに寄付されます。 |
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It has been three years since we released the first album 'Sea' which attracted neo-classical music fans, produced by Andrew Jasinski who is one of the young talented music composers representing Russia. On 30th November, we will release his latest work, and his first EP, 'Embracing the Universe' made of nly two instruments; a steel tongue drum and hang drum. You can hear new soundscape which you have never experienced, produced by Andrew Jasinski's outstanding gift for composing music and his skill in playing the instruments. Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric039_english.html
詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric039_japanese.html |
Takahiro Kido(Anoice)が横浜にある宝島幼稚園のプロモーション映像、計3バージョンの音楽を担当しました。 Takahiro Kido who is the member of Anoice, took charge of music of three promotional videos of Takarajima Kindergarten in Yokohama, Japan. All three versions are now up on YouTube. Episode.1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91kfoUcHZPc |
Now you can enjoy the 360° VR music video 'Crackle Pop' from the second album 'Home' to be released on 10 November! Use headphones to experience spatial audio. Best viewed in Firefox or Chrome Browsers or YouTube official application on your smartphone. |
Takahiro Kido (Anoice) uploaded the prepared piano version of 'Roads' that is a piano tune included in his 4th solo album 'Fairy Tale', to SoundCloud. This is an unreleased version recorded by a four‐hand performance with Yuki Murata (Anoice) at a concert hall. Takahiro Kido(Anoice)がソロアルバム「Fairy Tale」の収録曲である「Roads」のプリペアドピアノバージョンをSoundCloudに公開しました。コンサートホールでYuki Murata(Anoice)との連弾でレコーディングされた未発表バージョンです。 |
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Концерты Takahiro Kido и Yuki Murata в России. Takahiro Kido (Anoice) and Yuki Murata (Anoice) will play in Moscow and St. Petersburg on 20th and 23rd March, 2018. You can hear neo-classical chamber music of not only their solo albums but also their bands such as Anoice and Films, with strings players. |
Yuki Murata who is the pianist/composer of Anoice, uploaded her new song 'pgvv' to her SoundCloud. This track will not be included in her forthcoming 4th solo album. Anoiceのピアニスト/コンポーザーであるYuki Murataが自身のSoundCloudに、ピアノ、アコースティックギター、ヴァオリン、ヴィオラで構成された新曲「pgvv」を公開しました。こちらの楽曲はYuki Murataの4枚目のソロアルバムには収録されません。 |
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We are proud to release their awesome second album ‘Home' from the London-based instrumental rock orchestra, Human Pyramids, on 10th November, 2017. The grand orchestration by strings section and wind instruments, the rhythm formed by distorted guitars and mighty drums and percussion, and lovely melodies unite like a fantastic chemical reaction to make Human Pyramids' sound. Don't miss the exhilarating and speeding sounds played by 13 instrumentalists!! Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric038_english.html
詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric038_japanese.html |
Anoice, Takahiro Kido (Anoice), and Yuki Murata (Anoice) took charge of the documentary video featuring LMW, Leaning Multi Wheel developed by YAMAHA. The director is Naotaro Endo who was created 'Tsukiji Wonderland' movie. |
The short version of the documentary movie-like advert produced by The Japan Dietetic Association, is now up on YouTune. Films, one of Anoice's side projects, took charge of music. |
Now you can see the documentary movie-like advert which Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of music produced by The Japan Dietetic Association who has about 50,566 members who were either registered dietitians or dietitians licensed by the National Government. |
Anoice's 'old lighthouse' included in their 4th album 'into the shadows', has been played for over one million times on Spotify. Thank you! Now, you can almost all works of not only Anoice but also their side projects. インストバンドAnoiceの最新アルバム「into the shadows」の収録曲である「old lighthouse」のSpotify再生数が100万回を超えました。ただいま、Anoice(とメンバーのサイドプロジェクト)のほとんどの楽曲をSpotifyで聴くことができます。 |
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Takahiro Kido who is the member of Anoice took charge of music of a new advert which ANA, All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. produced for recruiting their new staffs. This advert like a short movie has not been available on the internet yet. Takahiro Kido(Anoice)が、航空会社ANAの新しいCMの音楽制作を担当しました。このショートムービーのようなCMは、現在、ANAグループのイベントなどでご覧になれます。 |
RiLF, the alternative rock band formed bu Anoice and Calu who is the vocalist of Matryoshka, uploaded a new SoundCloud playlist 'December 11th' including 3 ambient tracks which have not been included in any albums. Have a good autumn-winter. インストバンドAnoiceとCalu(matryoshkaのヴォーカリスト)によるオルタナティブロックバンド、RiLFがSoundCloudに新しいプレイリスト「December 11th」を公開しました。アルバム未収録のアンビエントトラック、計3曲をお聴きいただけます。 |
The digital picture artist, Jesper Friis created the beautiful video 'Black Sun' featuring 'Migratory Birds' that is one tune included in Takahiro Kido's 5th solo album 'The New World'. |
You can get our free compilation album including our all artists' tunes (Anoice, Takahiro Kido, Yuki Murata, RiLF, films, mokyow, cru, Human Pyramids, Subzar, Oversleep Excuse, Sontag Shogun, Plank, Jet Plane, EXXASENS, Andrew Jasinski, Haiku Salut, Mike Orgish, yodaka, The Grus) on BandCamp! BandCamp : https://riccolabel.bandcamp.com/album/ricco-label-music-catalog-2017
BandCamp : https://riccolabel.bandcamp.com/album/ricco-label-music-catalog-2017 |
Takahiro Kido who is the member of Anoice, uploaded the arranged version of 'Train to Paris' included in his 5th solo album 'The New World'. Have a lovely autumn trip. SoundCloud : https://soundcloud.com/takahiro-kido/train-to-paris-re-arranged |
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On 22nd September, we'll release the second album 'Patterns For Resonant Space' of the New York-based avant‐garde modern-classical ambient trio, Sontag Shogun which has the beauty and the darkness of artists such as Sigur Rós and Jóhann Jóhannsson. This fantastic sound has also been praised by Pitchfork Media. For this album, David Bryant who is the member of Godspeed You! Black Emperor joined as the recording engineer at the studio in Canada. Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric037_english.html
詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric037_japanese.html |
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no.4 (Sonar) (from this album) | The Musk Ox (from 1st album 'Tale') | Jubokko (from 1st album 'Tale') | Full Performance in Tokyo |
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We created a YouTube cannel including over 50 videos of Anoice and Anoice member's side projects, Takahiro Kido, Yuki Murata, RiLF, Films, mizu amane, mokyow, and cru. Enjoy! YouTube Anoice Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCE91266DB45FB1B6
YouTube Anoice Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCE91266DB45FB1B6 |
A horror film 'Eddie' that is John Lynch's first movie as a film director, is now available on Vimeo! The London-based instrumental music orchestra, Human Pyramids took charge of the music. Vimeo : https://vimeo.com/224205858 |
Anoice's new music video 'untitled 5' from their first album 'Remmings' is now up on YouTube. Enjoy the gentle ambient music with the ocean. |
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The documentary movie 'Tsukiji Wonderland' directed by Naotaro Endo will be released on DVD and Blu-ray from Shochiku Movie on 26th July. Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of music, Yuki Murata (Anoice) joined as the co-composer, and all four members of Anoice played all the instruments. Enjoy the beautiful movie that focuses on Tsukiji Fish Market in Japan. It will be available to pre-order soon. Tsukiji Wonderland: http://tsukiji-wonderland.jp
築地ワンダーランド: http://tsukiji-wonderland.jp |
You can now see the second performance video 'lost field' from Anoice China and Hong Kong Tour 2017. This track is included in the second album 'a forbidden garden' of Films, that is one of Anoice's side projects. |
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Yuki Murata (Anoice) and Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of a theme song of an event 'CHANGE DESTINY' of SKⅡ that is a Japanese prestige beauty brand launched in 1980. This song will be played at some events. |
We have just uploaded the first performance video 'Liange' at Shenzhen B10 LIVE from Anoice China and Hong Kong Tour 2017. Check the beautiful song performed by piano, viola, drums, and a little noise. |
The TV advert of Biofermin which Yuki Murata (Anoice) and Takahiro Kido (Anoice) created the music, has been played for over 4 million times on YouTube. Thank you for the watch. |
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Thank you for all who came to Anoice shows in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing. Some photos taken by Killarb, Henry, and Chengjun程珺 are now up on Anoice's official facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.226964267341832.53109.187873481250911 |
Continued from the previous version, Yuki Murata (Anoice) and Takahiro Kido (Anoice) again created music for a new advert of Airweave, a mattress maker in Japan. Mao Asada who is a famous Japanese figure skater also appears again. |
Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of music for NEC's advert about their artificial intelligence technology 'NEC the WISE'. Yuki Murata (Anoice) also played the piano. |
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Yuki Murata (Anoice) and Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of music for 6 versions of advert of MOS BURGER in Japan. Those videos including the gentle songs composed with piano and strings, will be available to see on the web soon. |
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Anoice will play in China and Hong-Kong on 21-24 June. The details and tickets for Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, are available on the following websites. Hong-Kong Show will also be available soon. JUN 21: Hong Kong Hidden Agenda
日本新古典五重奏Anoice首次中国巡演6月开跑 |
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Takahiro Kido (Anoice) and Yuki Murata took charge of all the music of 'Haneda' that is a short movie directed by Ryo Imai, presented by ANA, All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.. This movie will be on screens in some films festivals. |
Yuki Murata (Anoice) played the piano for a commercial spot of FUNAI's 4K liquid crystal television. The song is Giacomo Puccini's Nessun Dorma from Turandot. |
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On 26 May, the Tokyo-based cinematic music group, Anoice will release 'The Black Rain' on CD again. This is Anoice's third album released in 2012, and the most darkest, but beautiful album which thay have ever created. The digital album has already been available on some digital music stores such as BandCamp, iTunes, etc.. Detail: www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric013_english.html
5月26日、2012年にリリースされた、インストバンドAnoiceのサードアルバム「The Black Rain」の再プレス盤CDを再リリースします。Anoiceの作品中、もっともダークで美しいアルバムに、ミニアルバムと限定ポストカードを追加。なお、このアルバムは、現在、BandCampやiTunes Storeなどのデジタルミュージックストアにて、既に利用可能担っています。 詳細: www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric013_japanese.html |
The colored version of a commercial spot of TOSHIBA 'dynabook' is now up on YouTube. Enjoy the lovely dance with the beautiful piano which Yuki Murata (Anoice) composed and played. |
Takahiro Kido (Anoice) created an electronica music for a new commercial spot of Airweave, a mattress maker in Japan. You can also find Mao Asada who is a famous Japanese figure skater in the video. |
Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata (both are members of Anoice) created a short documentary video for 'Peace India Project' produced by ACE, a Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Organization based in Japan that address the issues of child labour around the world, and NURUE, a Tokyo-based design office. ACE : http://acejapan.org |
The music video of Mizu Amane's second single 'kazahana' is now up on YouTube. You can also purchase this track on BandCamp, iTunes, and some digital music stores. filmsによる日本の古語を特徴としたサイドプロジェクト、mizu amaneのセカンドシングル「kazahana」のミュージックビデオを公開しました。美しい夜桜をお楽しみください。なお、このトラックは、BandCampやiTunesなどのデジタルミュージックストアで購入可能です。 |
TOTO has uploaded 3 commercial videos for each 3 type of their new shower head, Warm Pillar, Comfort Wave, and Active Wave. Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of making all 3 music for them. You can see all the videos on the following official website. Official Website : http://www.toto.co.jp/watertech/rhythm/index.htm |
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On 17 April, Films, the Tokyo-based dark classical music unit featuring two females' vocals in their original languages, will release the second single 'kazahana' under the name of 'mizu amane’, their side project. This tune is also a fragile beautiful song that focuses on Japanese old languages. The harmony of Films' beautiful and fantastic voices with the lovely piano performed by Yuki Murata, who is a member of Anoice, intends to instil nostalgic images to all the listeners. Detail : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric036_english.html
詳細 : http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/discography/ric036_japanese.html |
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Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of music production for a promotional video of Toray, a multinational corporation headquartered in Japan that specializes in industrial products centered on technologies in organic synthetic chemistry, polymer chemistry, and biochemistry. The pianist is Yuki Murata who is the member of Anoice. |
Yuki Murata (Anoice) arranged Canon of Johann Pachelbel for a new spot commercial of 105 BANK, a local bank in Mie prefecture in japan. Takahiro Kido (Anoice) also took charge of the strings arrangement. |
Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of making music for one of commercial videos for a shower head produced by TOTO. He also created 3 more music for other 3 videos which will be uploaded soon. YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k7QmGo06Hs Official Website : http://www.toto.co.jp/watertech/rhythm/index.htm |
1631 Recordings has released the compilation album 'selected works' including Anoice's 10 ambient/modern-classical tracks. Have a good spring time. The cover artwork creator is Naoko Okada who also took charge of some albums from Anoice, Yuki Murata, and Films. BandCamp : www.1631recordings.bandcamp.com/album/selected-works-4
BandCamp : www.1631recordings.bandcamp.com/album/selected-works-4 |
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3月29日はピアノの日。1年の88日目(88鍵目)です。ということで、Ricco Labelがリリースした作品の中から選りすぐりの美しいピアノ曲をまとめたSpotifyプレイリストを公開しました。Anoice, Takahiro Kido, Yuki Murata, RiLF, films, cru, Sontag Shogun, Andrew Jasinski, haiku salut, Mike Orgishの計10組のアーティストが参加。
29th March is Piano Day, the 88th day of the year. We've uploaded the original Spotify playlist 'Quiet Piano Music' featuring lovely piano tunes including Anoice, Takahiro Kido, Yuki Murata, RiLF, films, cru, Sontag Shogun, Andrew Jasinski, haiku salut, and Mike Orgish. Enjoy! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/riccolabel/playlist/7qkg37oYUvUqvO6uHHdpAp |
The UK-based electronica trio, Haiku Salut have collaborated with Public Service Broadcasting on a track from their new album which eill be 7th July. Now the trailer is available to see. イギリスのエレクトロニカトリオ Haiku Salutが、Public Service Broadcastingのニューアルバム(7月7日リリース)に参加しました。ただいま、YouTubeにてトレーラーが公開中。 |
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3月18日、東京、門天ホールにて開催される「Yuki Murata + Wataru Sato: Piano Concert」のチケットを予約していただいた方に、当日限定EP「spring.ep」をプレゼントします。未発表曲を含む、4曲収録! イベント詳細ページ: http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/events/20170318.html
Detail: http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/events/20170318.html |
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2017年3月18日(土)、Anoice, RiLF, filmsのメンバーであり、様々なCMや映画音楽の作曲者としても活躍するピアニストYuki Murataと、Gecko名義で様々な形態でリリースを重ね、今年初のピアノソロアルバムをリリースするピアニストWataru Satoによるツーマンコンサートが決定しました!2人のピアノソロの楽曲はもちろん、今回は特別にチェリストとして独自のポジションを確立している青月泰山をゲストに迎え、この日だけのスペシャルな演奏を披露します。 イベント詳細ページ: http://www.fleursy.com/riccolabel/events/20170318.html |
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Anoice again took charge of the theme tune for Photo Revolution, an event intended at beauticians, produced by Milbon, a specialist manufacturer for hair cosmetics in a beauty parlors. Now available to hear/download. |
Yuki Murata (Anoice) took charge of music for a new spot commercial of Netz, a local tutoring school in japan. Takahiro Kido (Anoice) also joined as the engeer. The director is Naotaro Endo who also directed 'Tsukiji Wonderland' that is a documentary movie which Takahiro Kido took ckarge of the soundtracks together with Anoice members. |
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Takahiro Kido (Anoice) took charge of music for two short documentary videos of The Japan Dietetic Association that has contributed significantly to maintaining the nation's health through various activities designed to improve nutrition. The director is Naotaro Endo of 'Tsukiji Wonderland' movie which Takahiro Kido created the soundtracks. |
Experimental Rooms (Niigata, Japan) uploaded the short documentary video of the 14th event which Sontag Shogun joined together with Mark McGuire, Hakobune, mikkyoz, DJ Jacob in 2014. YouTube : https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sidtnPBJqY |
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On 7 January, 2017, the Moscow-based music label, Dronarivm released the new year free compilation album 'Illuminations' including Anoice and Yuki Murata who is the pianist of Anoice. You can download the album on the following BandCamp page. Have a good new year time! BandCamp : https://dronarivm.bandcamp.com/album/illuminations-the-new-year-2017-free-compilation
BandCamp : https://dronarivm.bandcamp.com/album/illuminations-the-new-year-2017-free-compilation |