Jeremy Young from Sontag Shogun has released two-tracks EP 'Stop F*ing Killing People'. 100% of the proceeds will go into a donation packet before the end of the year to help struggling orphans in conflict areas via Mercy Without Limits. BandCamp: Mercy Without Limits: Mercy Without Limits:
Sontag ShogunのJeremy Youngが2曲入りEP「Stop F*ing Killing People」をリリースしました。売り上げの100%がMercy Without Limitsを通じて紛争地域で苦しむ孤児を支援するために寄付されます。 Mercy Without Limits: Mercy Without Limits: |
On December 8th, we'll release a collaboration single entitled 'Ice Mermaid' made by Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata, music composers who also are active as members of Anoice, RiLF, and Films, together with Kenji Azuma, an ambient music artist who plays a range of unusual instruments. This song is based on an illustration featuring a mermaid in the ice world painted by MATSURICA, and is divided into four parts; the ground, the sea, the seabed, and the finale. The most notable point is that the basis of the sounds of the song are created from materials which are related to ice and water. Detail:
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An ambient-experimental music trio has released a new EP 'Dawn Chorus' which took inspiration from Thom Yorke's same-titled song via Youngbloods. You can feel their one and only beautiful sounds on digital music platforms now. The process of creating and releasing, they started with a simple cover song, but then used it as a launching off point for their own textures and sounds. BandCamp:
ニューヨークのアンビエントピアノトリオSontag ShogunがThom Yorkeの楽曲「Dawn Chorus」に着想を得た同名EPをYoungbloodsよりリリースしました。Sontag Shogunのサウンドで満たされたカバー曲に始まり、インストゥルメンタルバージョン、そして原型をとどめないほどにアレンジされた実験的なバージョン「Dusk Chorale」が収録されています。ぜひ、唯一無二の美に触れてみてください。各デジタルミュージックサービスで配信中。 |
Robin Bain's new movie 'Girls on Film' will be premiering on November 7 on VOD from Breaking Glass Pictures. Two composers from Anoice, Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata took charge of the soundtracks. It also features some songs from Anoice and Films, one of Anoice's side projects. |
11月23日、クラフトビールのブリュワリーTeenage Brewingにて開催されるイベント「Teenage Experiments 」にTakahiro Kido(Anoice)とYuki Murata(Anoice)がギタリストJake Cloudchairと共に即興演奏します。使用する楽器も音楽スタイルも、すべて未定です。 お問い合わせ: |
We have created 'HELLO WORLD' that is a concert-exclusive compilation album including masterpieces which feature chamber music from Anoice and each solo project of two members of Anoice, Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata. It feautures beautiful and passionate neoclassical songs and the unreleased orchestra version of 'the light' included in Anoice's 5th album 'Ghost in the Clocks'. This album will be pressed on CD and then on sale from a solo concert of Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata in Almaty, Kazakhstan for November 4th, 2023. Detail:
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Two-fourth of Anoice, Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata will hold a concert in Almaty, Kazakhstan on November 4th. They will play not only each solo song but also Anoice's together with a local string quartet. The tickets are now available via Baykanat Concert Agency. Tickets:
Такахиро Кидо и Юки Мурата будет проведем концертную деятельность в сопровождении струнного квартета в Филармония им.Жамбыла, Алматы в Казахстан, в 19:00 ноября 4. Успейте приобрести билеты с -10% скидкой. |
A dark fantasy music project formed by the instrumental band Anoice with two female vocalists, who sing in their own originally created languages, Films, has finally created their new album 'at the deep end'. It contains masterpieces such as 'blue in gray' and 'the deep sea' which were used as inserted song on the upcoming new movie 'RAIN' directed by Robin Bain in US, and also 'dispersion' premiered at the stage of ASIA BEAUTY EXPO 2022, one of the biggest beauty salon business events in Asia. It will be released on number-limited 15cm square-sized box version on September 8th. Order:
Two-fourth of Anoice, Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata took charge of music for a promotional video of NICHIMO which activities on the sales of various materials related to the fishing industry, continuing from their 100th anniversary video. The director is Naotaro Endo who also took charge of Tukiji Wonderland which Takahiro Kido created the soundtracks. Takahiro Kido(Anoice)とYuki Murata(Anoice)が音楽制作を担当した、漁業まわりの総合商社ニチモウの会社紹介映像が公開されました。Takahiro Kidoが音楽制作を担当した映画「築地ワンダーランド」の遠藤尚太郎が監督を務めています。 YouTube: |
On 25th August, the dark fantasy music project, Films, will release a digital-limited lead single from their upcoming 4th album 'at the deep end' which is also their first album in seven years. The band is formed by the instrumental band Anoice, featuring their dark cinematic sounds and two female vocalists, who sing in their own originally created languages. This is an ephemeral, but beautiful masterpiece featuring a little slightly nostalgic atmosphere from Films. Detail:
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木戸崇博(Takahiro Kido / Anoice)と村田有希(Yuki Murata / Anoice)が音楽制作を担当したWOWOW連続ドラマ「HOTEL -NEXT DOOR-」のBlu-ray BOX/DVDがリリースされました。演奏はAnoiceとゲストミュージシャンが担当しています。 A drama series 'HOTEL -NEXT DOOR-' which two-fourth of Anoice, Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata took charge of all the soundtracks, has released on Blu-ray and DVD. Anoice's members and guest players recorded all the instruments. |
You can now download sheet music of the pianist of Anoice's Yuki Murata's 'cherry blossoms' included in her 3rd solo album 'Gift', on PDF for free. Enjoy the lovely song performed by a piano, glockenspiel, organ, and vocals. AnoiceのピアニストYuki Murataのサードソロアルバム「Gift」の収録曲「cherry blossoms」の楽譜がPDFで無料ダウンロードできるようになりました。ピアノ、グロッケンシュピール、オルガン、そしてコーラスによる可愛らしい楽曲です。 |
On August 5th, Anoice will release 'farfa cinematic symphony', one of the highest levels of masterpieces within their past releases as a single. A spectacular orchestra layered over and over by string instruments. A piano and the snare rolls of drums which incite the feeling of an increasing pace. And, destructive distorted guitar noises. It's exactly the sound the crystallises Anoice members' talents. On BandCamp, this single will be available for Name Your Price on the 4th. Detail:
8月5日、インストゥルメンタルバンドAnoiceがリリースしてきた中でも最高レベルの名曲「farfa cinematic symphony」がシングルとしてリリースされます。幾重にも重ねられたヴァイオリン、ヴィオラ、チェロの弦楽隊による壮大なオーケストラ。徐々に疾走感を高めるピアノとドラムのスネアロール。そして、破壊的なまでに歪んだギターのノイズ。まさにAnoiceのメンバーの才能の全てが注ぎ込まれたサウンドに仕上がっています。BandCampではリリース日の前日である8月4日限定で無料でダウンロード可能。 |
We have uploaded a piano improvisation video 'Yuki Murata: Improvisation on Piano, July 25, 2023' performed by the pianist of Anoice, Yuki Murata. Have a enjoy the nostalgic sound of the most oldest grand piano in Anoice Studio. AnoiceのピアニストYuki Murataによるピアノの即興演奏「Yuki Murata: Improvisation on Piano, July 25, 2023」をYouTubeに公開しました。Anoiceスタジオで最も古いグランドピアノのノスタルジックなサウンドをお楽しみください。 YouTube: |
Two songs from the pianist of Anoice, Yuki Murata's solo project are now available to order on A4-sized sheet music with her signature. AnoiceのピアニストであるYuki Murataのソロプロジェクトの楽曲、2曲がA4サイズの楽譜でリリースされました。 melody (Piano Fantasia): with all of my love (Sunny Spot Story): |
On July 15th, we will release 'hoshimori no uta' that is the 6th single from Mizu Amane, a side project of Films, a dark fantasy music project formed Anoice and two same-named female vocalists who features Japanese archaic languages which are no longer spoken. The sound created by the lovely sound of the piano and the nostalgic vocal melodies will likely induce a feeling of comfort as if you are looking at the stars in the tranquil night. Details:
7月15日、Anoiceがプロデュースする、独自の言語を使用した歌を特徴としたダークファンタジーミュージックユニットfilmsによる、日本語の古語に焦点を当てたサイドプロジェクトmizu amaneの6枚目、3年ぶりとなるとなるシングル「hoshimori no uta」をリリースします。AnoiceのメンバーであるYuki Murataの奏でる美しいピアノの響きとfilmsによる日本語の古語を使用したノスタルジックなヴォーカルメロディーが折り重なるサウンドは、まるで静かな夜に星空を眺めるような優しい時間を演出してくれるでしょう。 詳細: |
The instrumental music band featuring a dark and cinematic sound, Anoice will release the fifth EP 'unerasable fire' which pairs with their previous EP 'invisible wall' on April 8th. Just like 'invisible wall', it features Films, who sing in their own originally created languages in the same named project produced by Anoice, and Calu who is the vocalist of the electronica unit, Matryoshka. On BandCamp, this EP will be available for free or Name Your Price for one day only on the day before the release day. Detail:
ダークでシネマチックなサウンドを特徴とするインストバンドAnoiceがCOVID-19パンデミックに対峙する世界を描いたEP「invisible wall」から3年。4月7日、その「invisible wall」と完全に対をなすEP「unerasable fire」をリリースします。今作も前作と同様にfilmsやcalu(matryoshka)をゲストヴォーカリストとしてフィーチャー。Anoiceが新たな問題に対峙する世界を描いた「今しか表現できない」作品です。BandCampではリリース日の前日である4月7日限定で無料でダウンロード可能。 |
A branding film for Hirosaki City of Aomori which tow-fourth of Anoice, Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata took charge of music, received the grand prize at Tourism Destinations Regions of Japan World's Tourism Film Festival. Takahiro Kido(Anoice)とYuki Murata(Anoice)が音楽を担当した青森県弘前市のブランディングムービー「冬があるから、」がJapan World's Tourism Film FestivalのTourism Destinations Regions部門にて最優秀賞を受賞しました。 YouTube: JWTFF2023: |
We uploaded a video on which Yuki Murata from Anoice playing her piano solo song 'shall we dance' before the concert of Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata in Astana, Kazakhstan. カザフスタンのアスタナで開催されたTakahiro Kido(Anoice)とYuki Murata(Anoice)のコンサート前にYuki Murataが自身のピアノソロ曲「shall we dance」を演奏しました。 YouTube: |
Two-fourth of Anoice, Takahiro Kido and Yuki Murata will hold live concerts in two cities of Kazakhstan, Astana on February 25th and Almaty on the 26th. They will play not only each solo song but also Anoice's together with a local string quartet. For the details, please follow Baykanat Concert Agency's Instagram below. До встречи на концерте. Baykanat Concert Agency:
AnoiceのメンバーであるTakahiro KidoとYuki Murataが2月25日にカザフスタンのアスタナで26日にアルマトイでコンサートを開催します。今回は現地の弦楽カルテットと一緒にお互いのソロプロジェクトだけでなくAnoiceの楽曲も演奏予定。詳細はBaykanat Concert Agencyのインスタグラムにてご確認ください。 |
Anoiceのメンバーである木戸崇博(Takahiro Kido)と村田有希(Yuki Murata)がTV東京の連続ドラマ「俺の美女化が止まらない⁉」の音楽制作を担当しました。演奏はAnoiceが担当。4月5日、放送開始。Paraviでは2月1日より先行して配信されます。 |
Headphone Commute has uploaded 'Stationary Travels - Annum 2022' featuring Sontag Shogun & Lau Nau, mixed by Brian Housman of Stationary Travels, which he prepared for the HC Podcast to look back at 2022. Mixcloud:
Headphone CommuteがStationary TravelsのBrian Housmanによる2022年を振り返るミックス「Stationary Travels - Annum 2022」を公開しました。Shogun & Lau Nauの楽曲も収録されています。 |
A French radio show, Solénoïde has uploaded a new playlist 'Virée Japonaise 02 - Masunoji' featuring 15 Japanese experimental music artists including Anoice. Offrez-vous une virée du côté de l’Archipel de tous les extrêmes. Mixcloud:
フランスのラジオ番組「Solénoïde」が日本の15組のエクスペリメンタルミュージックアーティストを特集した「Virée Japonaise 02 - Masunoji」を公開しました。Anoiceの楽曲も収録されています。 |
2023年1月17日〜22日、麻布十番のパレットギャラリーにてAnoice、AnoiceのメンバーであるYuki Murata、そしてAnoiceのメンバーによるサイドプロジェクトであるRiLFやfilmsのアルバムやEPのアートワークを手がける画家、MATSURICA(a.k.a. 岡田尚子)の個展「隠されつづけたモンスター」が開催されます。最終日は17時まで。 パレットギャラリー麻布十番:
From January 17 to 23, 2023, one of the painters who takes charge of artworks of some releases from Anoice, Yuki Murata who is a member of Anoice, and RiLF and Films that is two of Anoice's side projects, MATSURICA a.k.a. Naoko Okada will open the exhibition at Palette Gallery in Azabujuban, Tokyo. Palette Gallery: |